If you're looking for something for that truly special someone, a personalised Christmas gift is definitely the way to go. By creating something that is uniquely personal you can make a real statement about how much someone means to you, as well as give them something that they'll really treasure.
Our personalisation option has always been hugely popular on our website. In fact 60% of all our orders are sent with personal messages and sentiments. That was our dream for Lily Charmed. That we could offer beautiful, high quality jewellery which people could personalise to gift one another, or treat themselves, for a price that does not exclude.
In this last dash towards Christmas oblivion we all find our selves lost in the melee of gift buying frenetics. Making lists, checking them waaaay more than twice then over spending at the last minute because you simply can't think of anything other than PJs, slippers, candles and photos frames... And, let's be honest. We've all got enough Christmas themed candles to last us until the end of time.

Christmas is exactly the time we should be remembering the reasons why people are lucky enough to be on our good list and in turn reminding them how blooming brilliant and loved they are! Luckily a lot of what we do at Lily Charmed is fuelled by other people’s energy and efforts.

The messages of good feeling and appreciation that we get to share in are contagious and inspiring and we thank you for choosing us to be a part of yours.
This post is a sneak peek into some of the best of the messages you lovely lot have gifted each other ...
And some Christmas inspiration for creating the perfect personalised gift for your extra special someones...
The first, for a hummingbird necklace, sums up my feelings on life exactly. It read “GOOD LUCK”… “All great change is preceded by chaos.”
Our beautiful Stag necklace with the message 'Strength, beauty and grace'
A bee necklace buzzed off to “My Squiffle”, with the wonderful words, “Happy Birthday my beautiful flower, you are the one true glorious blossom in my life. Loving you always, Fubband xxxxxxx”
A jigsaw piece necklace with the moniker “Solved”… “The 20 year puzzle”.
Our stunning Open Star necklace with the message 'If you be my star, I'll be your sky!'
As well as adding lovely personalised message cards to your jewellery, we also offering engraving on some of pieces, which is an amazing way to express a sentiment of feeling at this fuzzy time of year. Our engraved cassette necklace and key ring (his and hers?) has been engraved with 'Star Lord' (for those infinity war fans) and 'Dad Rocks' amongst other band names and dates.

We've got a great selection of gorgeous Christmas gift options already to go on site to which you can add names and personal messages! Ready, steady, ho, ho, GO!....